Charities on this route
Rennie Grove Peace
- Rennie Grove Peace provides palliative, end-of-life advice, support, education and a wide range of services to those people who are registered with a West Herts or Buckinghamshire GP practice.
- Rennie Grove Peace is a specialist palliative care provider whose services are delivered by a multi-disciplinary team of Nurses, Doctors, Allied Health Professionals, therapists, support staff and volunteers who will ensure the right service is delivered by the right person at the right time.
- Professional and self-referrals are received for those patients and those who care for them, including the Health and/or Social care workforce.
St Albans Action for Homeless
Every Friday and Saturday evening we hand out food ,not only to our street homeless friends but also to those in shelters and permanent accommodation.
We are able to do this with the incredible generosity of our local businesses and our wonderful members who supply all the food for free.
We also hand out clothes that have been donated along with shoes and underwear of which are bought new ,again from our wonderful members.
We offer a wrap around care service which starts on the streets and continues when they have permanent accommodation, this may include doing washing or taking them to pay bills or do shopping.
We also take them to appointments when needed, we source furniture and pay to have it delivered.
In 2021 we opened Hope House, a 4 bedroom house for our local homeless, they can stay with us until they find their forever home.
We signpost them to relative services and help them become free of addiction.